Today was our last day of middle school. I know, by our witty comments and absolute hilariousness, you thought we were much older. But alas, we are mere middle schoolers. Well, not anymore, actually.
We're now the high and mighty high schoolers.
Let the parties, dating, and AP classes begin.
Just kidding.
Let even more blogging, internet, and anti socialism begin.
That's more like it.
Don't even start to think that being Freshmen will change our dialect so much that we don't make High School Musical references in every other sentence.
It's called High School Musical for a reason, guys.
Seriously. Don't be so silly.
Anyway, now that it's summer time, we're ready to have some fun. Even if Lise has four stitches in her achilles. Rest is for the weak, so we're going to do stuff none the less.
So... If you haven't seen our Summer Bucket List, I suggest checking that out over to the right, so you can see all the awesome things we'll be up to.
Starting tomorrow.
Holy cow, guys.
No more school.
Sorry, we need to go wrap our heads around that.
See ya later, alligators.
Lise and Elle