Friday, July 12, 2013

Boredom and Worthlessness

        Hello, darling ghost viewers! (Don't worry, I still love you. Even though I think I'd love you a tad more if you maybe followed us, but whatever. Nonetheless, you're pretty amazing.) Today is a wonderful day. The sun is shining, birds are chirping (some from within my living room) and it's in the low 80s outside, Fahrenheit of course. But that doesn't make it any more wonderful here in Boringtown, USA.
        I love to be with people, but I'm not one of those that can have like 20 sleepovers in a row. A few a week is fine and dandy (except for the fact that I've only done like four this whole summer whoopsnotmyfault), but even that cannot quench the sense of boredom from within this awful little town. I don't know, I just want to do things! I want to run outside and go to a froyo shop or a Starbucks or, I don't know, my friend's house! But not here. Our movie theater isn't even in town, for goodness' sake. What can we do?
        The community pool is a hotspot for six year olds, fifth graders who wear bikinis and pretend to be "teenagers", and über-hot, tan, belly-ringed lifeguards who look perpetually bored with their jobs. At least they're getting paid to be bored. I am drowning in my own worthlessness over here, and the worst part is, I can't even try to complete the bucket list! That was supposed to be our savior over here, but you need two to complete bucket list items.
        Ombré hair? That takes time. Record music? Okay, if you knew us in person, you would know that was for Lise. Write a novel? I suppose, but I'm kind of looking for a "quick fix" kind of item. Something I can do for a couple hours and then cross off.
        Everything on this list has to be done with or by Lise. Why the heck.

       Well, I guess I'm going to go bathe in my own boredom, guys! If you live in LA, NYC, Seattle, the Twin Cities, Miami, or some other cool place that I really want to go, I envy you. Big time.

        So long,

Monday, July 8, 2013

Review of...

Hm. We really need a blog post and I feel like reviewing something but what.....  

Ed Sheeran. Why not? You can review someone's music right? 

Well lets just roll with it. 

Ed Sheeran definitely gets five stars. Like, maybe even six. If his voice doesn't make you want to frolic through meadows and wear sundresses (for girls I guess...), then I am questioning your humanity. 

His voice is just like... I don't even know how to describe it. His beautiful British accent flows through it and the imagery I keep coming up with is drinking tea. It's so warm and cozy and wonderful. 

He can even make a Taylor Swift song go from good to amazing. His solo in Everything Has Changed gives me chills every time. And if you haven't seen the music video, go watch it now because it is seriously the cutest thing ever. Like, sob your eyes out it's so good and cute and just yes.

But just his lyrics are so good. He's probably one of my favorite songwriters because the lyrics are so well thought out that it amazes me every time.
Like, how do you even.

Summary: Ed Sheeran is amazing and if you haven't heard any of his songs (The a Team doesn't count) then definitely go listen to some of the other songs from his album entitled +. 

Au Revoir. 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Our Random Obsessions

     Obsessions are normal.
     Right? Right? No? 
     Well, for us they are. Seriously. If you were part of our two-person gang/clique/exclusive-entrance-club, you'd know that obsessions here are as normal as a lot of normal things.
Here is a beautiful list of our obsessions/hobbies/reasons we have no life: ('Cause we're sure you want to know them all.)

1.) Andrew Garfield. Just look at this. Is he not the most gorgeous boy ever? Just watch the gif for a couple of minutes and you'll find yourself crying tears of joy at the sight of him.
Our love for him just makes us like
But you know what's even better than just Andrew? #2.
2.) Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone. Omigosh yes. We aren't the jealous type and we know that we can't keep Andrew all to ourselves, so, we ship it. Like holy cannoli yes. Just look at the adorableness. 
Oh my gosh awww I'm dying over here this is so cute 
3.) Harry Flippin' Potter. Oh my gosh, this should seriously be number one. This is the obsession that truly brought us together and hasn't dissolved over time. If you don't like Harry Potter, just don't. It's too perf for you. But seriously, thinking about HP gives us butterflies in our stomachs 'cause it's so... epic. Go read those books right now. We're not even kidding. 
As it is ours, Harry. :')
4.) Horses. We know what you're thinking. You guys are those annoying, spoiled, immature, dumb, idiotic, girls who are obsessed with horses and love to brag? No we are not. Neither of us are even in the possession of an equestrian. So don't go thinking we're spoiled with our ponies and stuff. WE JUST LIKE HORSES OKAY.

5.) Plans. This probably sound weird and doesn't make any sense at all to you but... we love plans. We probably have an average of 15 plans going on at a time. Let me give you an example so you understand our passion for plans. First of, we make plans for everything. How to make our teachers like us more, how to get out of jazz band, how to force one of us to go back to jazz band because the other one likes a boy in the band, how to get the style of a fashionista, how to catch the cute boy's eye, etc. etc. We become OBSESSED with this subject for a few days or weeks. And our plans aren't useless, either - some of them have actually survived. We got our teachers to like us. Kind of. We got the phones we wanted with some planning (and a little begging). Hopefully we'll be able to come back and tell you that we got our fit bodies and our cute clothes from a plan, but, for now, that's up in the air.

Hmm... there are probably more but this is what we could think of now. If we think of more we promise we will do a follow up post because I'm sure you are all immensely interested.

See ya,
Lise and Elle 

Book Review: The Help

Okay. So I'm probably the last person on Earth to read this book but whatever. I'm surprised that no one decided to be a jerk and tell me how it ends, but I'm glad.
Anyway, this book review is probably going to suck because I'm not as talented at this as Elle is but YOLO.
Why did I say YOLO?
Moving on...

The Help by Kathryn Stockett Review

(As the summary on the back of the book says,) Aibileen Clark is a black maid in 1962 Jackson, Mississippi, raising her seventeenth white child. She's always taken orders quietly, but lastly it leaves her with a bitterness she can no longer bite back. Her friend Minny Jackson has certainly never held her tongue, or held on to a job for very long, but now she's working for a newcomer with secrets that leave her speechless. And white socialite Skeeter Phelan has just returned from college with ambition and a degree but, to her mother's lament, no husband. Normally Skeeter would find solace in Constantine, the beloved maid who raised her, but Constantine has inexplicably disappeared.

Together, these seemingly different women join to work on a project that could forever alter their destines and the life of a small town- to write, in secret, a tell-all book about what it's really like to work as a black maid in the white homes of the South. Despite the terrible risks they will have to take, and the sometimes humorous boundaries they will have to cross, these three women uniter with one intention: hope for a better day.

This book was really good, guys. Like OMG good. I think that historical fiction books need to be written right, or else they can come out uninteresting. But this book was by no means uninteresting. The Help held my attention from the very beginning and was really a great representation of what it must have been like back then. It really amazed me how this kind of prejudice happened only 50-something years ago. My dad was born in the late 50's and it's really shocking that this happened in his life time. 
The story was told in 3 different point of views, which were Aibileen, Minny, and Skeeter's, who are the main characters in this book, Aibileen and Minny being black maids, and Skeeter as a white young woman. It was interesting to see how they all saw events differently depending on their personality and positions. And then there was the terrible Hilly Holbrook. This woman... Ugh. Hilly is the perfect example of the horrendous antagonist. It was really disgusting to see how she was probably the norm for this time period and how every woman in Jackson, Mississippi idolized her. Also, sweet sweet Mae Mobley. Oh, how I loved that little girl and her relationship with Aibileen. I thought the character developments were truly great in this book. At the end, I felt a true understanding of most characters. 

If you have not read this book, (which is unlikely, because as I said before, I think I'm probably the last person to ever read this), you so should. You will not regret it. 'If we do not educate ourselves on the past, history is doomed to repeat itself.' (I don't remember who originally said this but my dad has told me this on occasion) 

My Rating
5 Stars!!!

(You guys probably think we're push overs because all of our ratings have been 5 stars, but we've just had the pleasure of finding awesome books lately.)

Now, all I have to do is watch the movie starring the lovely Emma Stone.
